Monday, March 19, 2012

Don't use bcrypt

(Edit: Some numbers for you people who like numbers)

If you're already using bcrypt, relax, you're fine, probably. However, if you're looking for a key derivation function (or in bcrypt's case, password encryption function) for a new project, bcrypt is probably not the best one you can pick. In fact, there are two algorithms which are each better in a different way than bcrypt, and also widely available across many platforms.

I write this post because I've noticed a sort of "JUST USE BCRYPT" cargo cult (thanks Coda Hale!) This is absolutely the wrong attitude to have about cryptography. Even though people who know much more about cryptography than I do have done an amazing job packaging these ciphers into easy-to-use libraries, use of cryptography is not something you undertake lightly. Please know what you're doing when you're using it, or else it isn't going to help you.

The first cipher I'd suggest you consider besides bcrypt is PBKDF2. It's ubiquitous and time-tested with an academic pedigree from RSA Labs, you know, the guys who invented much of the cryptographic ecosystem we use today. Like bcrypt, PBKDF2 has an adjustable work factor. Unlike bcrypt, PBKDF2 has been the subject of intense research and still remains the best conservative choice.

There has been considerably less research into the soundness of bcrypt as a key derivation function as compared to PBKDF2, and simply for that reason alone bcrypt is much more of an unknown as to what future attacks may be discovered against it. bcrypt has a higher theoretical-safety-to-compute-time factor than PBKDF2, but that won't help you if an attack is discovered which mitigates bcrypt's computational complexity. Such attacks have been found in the past against ciphers like 3DES. Where 3DES uses a 168-bit key, various attacks have reduced that key size's effectiveness to 80-bits.

PBKDF2 is used by WPA, popular password safes like 1Password and LastPass, and full-disk encryption tools like TrueCrypt and FileVault. While I often poke fun at Lamer News as a Sinatra antipattern, I have to applaud antirez on his choice of PBKDF2 when he got bombarded with a "just use bcrypt!" attack (although bro, antirez, there's a PBKDF2 gem you can use, you don't have to vendor it)

The second cipher to consider is scrypt. Not only does scrypt give you more theoretical safety than bcrypt per unit compute time, but it also allows you to configure the amount of space in memory needed to compute the result. Where algorithms like PBKDF2 and bcrypt work in-place in memory, scrypt is a "memory-hard" algorithm, and thus makes a brute-force attacker pay penalties both in CPU and in memory. While scrypt's cryptographic soundness, like bcrypt's, is poorly researched, from a pure algorithmic perspective it's superior on all fronts.

The next time you need to pick a key derivation function, please, don't use bcrypt.


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Encountering a slip-up or Technical break down of your QuickBooks or its functions can be associate degree obstacle and put your work on a halt. this can be not solely frustrating however additionally a heavy concern as all of your crucial information is saved on the code information. For the actual reason, dig recommends that you simply solely dial the authentic QuickBooks school Support sign anytime you would like any facilitate along with your QuickBooks Premier Support. Our QuickBooks specialists can assist you remotely over a network.

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The QuickBooks Desktop Support Phone Number is toll-free and the professional technicians handling your support call may come up with a sudden solution that will permanently solve the glitches. Certain QuickBooks error shall pop-up on occasion while you are installing the latest version or while accessing your QuickBooks account online through a web browser. Such pop-up errors could be quickly resolved by reporting the error to the QuickBooks error support team.

Blogsilly said...

Our QuickBooks Technical Support is obtainable for 24*7: Call @ Intuit QuickBooks Support any time.Take delight in with an array of outshined customer service services for QuickBooks via quickbooks technical support contact number at any time and from anywhere.It signifies that one can access our tech support for QuickBooks at any moment. Our backing team is dedicated enough to bestow you with end-to-end QuickBooks solutions when you desire to procure them for every single QuickBooks query.

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A QuickBooks Won’t Open for a number of reasons. It could have grown to be damaged the past time it had been being used, or it might have been damaged because of some kind of corruption on your hard disk in which the file is stored. Other common factors include difficulties with reports or transaction templates that have been left open within the file the final time it was closed (especially when you yourself have the preference selected to ësave desktop upon exití. Other reasons include utilising the wrong version of QuickBooks, or issues with the area for the file such as for example access permissions, problems with the file name and file extension, or a conflicting *QBW.tlg file are additional reasoned explanations why you do not be able to open the file.

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Your error should now be fixed. If you continue steadily to have the QuickBooks Error 176109, you can look at to reinstall QuickBooks Point of Sale Desktop or contact QuickBooks Support Number.

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Their pre-preparedness helps them extend their hundred percent support to all the entrepreneurs along with individual users of Intuit QuickBooks Support.

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QuickBooks has completely transformed the way people used to operate their business earlier. To get familiar with it, you should welcome this positive change.Supervisors at QuickBooks Tech Support Number have trained all of their executives to combat the issues in this software. Utilizing the introduction of modern tools and approaches to QuickBooks, you can test new techniques to carry out various business activities. Basically, this has automated several tasks that have been being done manually for a long time. There are lots of versions of QuickBooks and each one has a unique features.

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Mathew said...

In conclusion, don’t hesitate to call us on our QuickBooks Online Help Number. We are surely here for you. In closing, any error, any issue, any bug or anything else pertaining to QuickBooks related problem, just call our QuickBooks Tech Support Number. Surely, call our QuickBooks Customer Technical Support Number.

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You need to decide the QuickBooks Error Support the terribly second you obtain a slip-up in your screen. it is potential that you just may lose information, or get corruption in your record or company file if the error prolongs.

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Manage all your financial requirements on your own fingertips with QuickBooks enterprise. Maintain your accounts, payroll, inventory and more in an organized way. The QuickBooks Customer Service Number is toll-free together with professional technicians handling your support call can come up with an immediate solution that will permanently solve the glitches. Get equipped with probably the most brilliant accounting features such as for instance creating a business plan, easy remote access, inventory tracking and much more.

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QuickBooks has completely transformed the way people used to operate their business earlier. To get familiar with it, you should welcome this positive change.Supervisors at Intuit QuickBooks Support Number have trained all of their executives to combat the issues in this software. Utilizing the introduction of modern tools and approaches to QuickBooks, you can test new techniques to carry out various business activities. Basically, this has automated several tasks that have been being done manually for a long time. There are lots of versions of QuickBooks and each one has a unique features.

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نغم لخدمات الضيافة العربية said...

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نغم لخدمات الضيافة العربية said...

خدمة فلبينيات للاستقبال بالكويت |خدمة فلبينيات في الكويت| خدمة شاي وقهوه كويتيات |خدمة شاي وقهوه للاستقبال| خدمة شاي وقهوه فلبينيات |خدمة ضيافة للاستقبالات الكويت | خدمة فلبينيات للاستقبال الكويت|خدمه ضيافه |خدمه فلبينيات شاي وقهوه|خدمة فلبينيات للمناسبات

افضل صبابين قهوة وشاي وعصير الكويت خدمة تقديم شاي وقهوة مميزة نقوم بها من اجلك خدمة شاي وقهوة بالكويت كما نقوم بخدمة شاي وقهوة للاستقبال يوجد لدينا خدمة فلبينيات شاي وقهوة خدمة فلبينيات شاي وقهوة بالكويت خدمة فلبينيات شاي وقهوة قهوجية بالكويت لدينا ايضا صبابين القهوة محترفيون .
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